Cardano je platforma, ki deluje na podlagi proof-of-stake: prva, ki temelji na strokovno pregledanih raziskavah in je razvita z metodami, ki temeljijo na dokazih. Združuje pionirske tehnologije za zagotavljanje neprimerljive varnosti in trajnosti decentraliziranim aplikacijam, sistemom in družbam. Z vodilno ekipo inženirjev, Cardano teži k prerazporeditvi moči med akterje v družbi - je spodbujevalna sila za pozitivne spremembe in napredek.
security, use cases
Ada v Cardano omrežju predstavlja delež v omrežju, pri čemer je velikost vložka sorazmerna s količino ADAe. Sposobnost prenosa ali zastave lastniškega deleža je bistvenega pomena za delovanje Cardano omrežja.
Imetnik ADAe lahko zasluži nagrade na dva načina: tako, da svoj delež prenese v sklad, ki ga vodi nekdo drug, ali da upravlja svoj sklad. Znesek deleža, ki je dodeljen določenemu vložku, je glavni način, kako protokol Ouroboros izbere, kdo naj doda naslednji blok v verigo blokov in za to prejme denarno nagrado.
Več kot je deležev ADAe v skladu (do določene točke), večja je verjetnost, da bo sklad naredil naslednji blok - in nagrade si delijo vsi, ki so prispevali svoj delež temu skladu. Kar pomeni, da imajo večji skladi večje možnosti za izdelavo bloka in pridobitev nagrade, toda izplačilo posameznemu delegatru je veliko manjše, čeprav pogosteje, po drugi strani pa imajo manjši skladi manj možnosti za izdelavo bloka in prejemanje nagrade, vendar je dejanska nagrada veliko večja za posameznega delegatorja. To nam pove, da bodo v obdobju enega leta tako majhni kot tudi veliki vložki približno enako donosni, edina razlika bo le, če bodo nagrade pogoste in so majhne ali redke in velike - Naš sklad je razmeroma majhen, zato se pripravite na potencialne velike nagrade!
Bila je angleška matematičarka in pisateljica, znana predvsem po svojem delu na mehaničnem računalniku za splošne namene, ki ga je predlagal Charles Babbage, Analytical Engine. Nekateri verjamejo, da je prva, ki je prepoznala, da ima računalnik aplikacije, ki presegajo zgolj izračun, in nekateri verjamejo, da je objavila prvi algoritem, ki naj bi ga izvedel tak računalnik. Zaradi tega jo pogosto obravnavajo kot prvo, ki je prepoznala ves potencial računalnikov, in kot eno prvih računalniških programerk. Je mati programerjev!
Naš cilj s tem skladom je ohraniti Adine sanje pri življenju in vsem dokazati, da je imela prav in da bo njena ideja prestala preizkušnjo časa ter človeštvo potisnila v novo dobo obilja, razumevanja, znanja in ljubezni - vse to je mogoče zaradi njene iznajdljivosti, ki nam je s programiranjem omogočila nadzor nad elektronskimi uslužbenci.
Ko sva prvič pogledala predstavitev projekta, naju je osupnil, s svojo čudovitostjo in revolucijo, ki jo predstavlja. Sva velika zagovornika znanosti, znanstvenih metod in pristopov ter vseh vrst recenziranih del! Prepričana sva, da je ta miselnost edini izvedljiv način, s pomočjo katerega se lahko človeštvo premika naprej, premika meje mogočega in hkrati spodbuja ljubezen drug do drugega ter ljubezen do dobrega pogovora in dialoga, ki na mizo prinaša nove ideje in širi naša obzorja! Tine ima izkušnje v IT in je ljubitelj Linuxa in odprtokodne programske opreme, Tinuvieal pa ima izkušnje iz ekonomije in trženja, zato skupaj misliva, da bi lahko koristila Cardano omrežju s širjenjem ozaveščenosti in zagotavljanjem kakovostne infrastrukture za delovanje mreže Cardano! V Cardanu vidiva velik potencial zaradi močne vizije in metodičnih procesov, zato z veseljem ponujava storitev vodenja zanesljivega sklada za skupnost, ki spodbuja rast, moč in varnost omrežja!
Ecthalion [ DREAM ]#1972 & Tinuvieal [ DREAM ]#6306
when we first laid our eyes on their whitepaper and got blown away, by the sheer awesomeness and revolution it represents. We are big advocates for science, scientific method and approach, and peer-reviewed work of all kind! We strongly believe this mindset represents the only viable way in which humanity can continue moving forward pushing the boundaries of what is possible and at the same time fostering love for one another and the love for a good conversation and dialog that brings new ideas to the table and expands our horizons! Tine has background in IT and has been a Linux and open-source software fan, since from when he first used a computer back in 2002 and Tinuvieal has a background in economics and marketing and together we think we could be beneficial for the Cardano network for spreading awareness via marketing and providing a good quality infrastructure for running the Cardano network! We see a lot of potential in Cardano due to its strong vision and methodical processes, so we are exceedingly happy to provide the service of running a reliable stake pool for the community fostering network growth, strength and security!
Cardano is a proof-of-stake block chain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. It combines pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.With a leading team of engineers, Cardano exists to redistribute power from unaccountable structures to the margins – to individuals – and be an enabling force for positive change and progress.
security, use cases
Ada held on the Cardano network represents a stake in the network, with the size of the stake proportional to the amount of ada held. The ability to delegate or pledge a stake is fundamental to how Cardano works.
There are two ways an ada holder can earn rewards: by delegating their stake to a stake pool run by someone else, or running their own stake pool. The amount of stake delegated to a given stake pool is the primary way the Ouroboros protocol chooses who should add the next block to the block chain, and receive a monetary reward for doing so.
The more stake is delegated to a stake pool (up to a certain point), the more likely it is to make the next block – and the rewards are shared between everyone who delegated their stake to that stake pool.Which means that bigger stake pools have a greater chance of minting a block and getting the reward BUT the payout to the individual delegator is much smaller if more often, on the other hand smaller stake pools have a lesser chance of minting a block and getting the reward BUT the actual reward is much bigger for the individual delegator. That tells us that over a time frame of a year both small and big stake pools will return around 6% return on a given delegated amount, the only difference will be if rewards come often and are small or if rewards come seldom but are big! - Our stake pool is relatively small, so get ready for some potentially huge rewards!
She was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She is believed by some to be the first to recognize that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and is believed by some to have published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first to recognize the full potential of computers and one of the first computer programmers. She is the mother of programmers!
Our goal with this pool is to keep Ada’s dream alive, and prove to all that she was right and that her idea will stand the test of time, and push humanity into a new era of abundance, understanding, knowledge and love- all possible due to her ingenious effort to give us control over our electronic servants via programming.
We are IT and marketing professionals so you can rest assured we always have all best practices in place and security taken care of.
The pool profit margin is effectively only 0.07% of your reward, which means you keep 99.93% of all your reward. Please note we are talking about reward, not your staking amount.
As stake pool operator we want to give you peace of mind delegating to our pool. Plus if you help us by delegating to us, you help the Cardano Network, and stronger the network becomes and the more people market and spread the word, the more valuable the network becomes, thus appreciating the price of ada and making us all involved in the project more prosperous and secure!
our 50/50 promise
This goes out to programing wizards, network gurus, brave heralds and ambassadors that make their voices heard , developers and all those making up the beating heart of Cardano!
Special thanks to: Holger [ADA] - Cardano 24 Pool